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High-side switching regulators or motor drive circuits can both use full-bridge Stepper driver components.
The four transistors in this system are switched on and off by the full-bridge driver, which amplifies a PWM signal. Only two transistors are active at any given moment.
The Global Multi-Channel Half-Bridge Driver market accounted for $XX Billion in 2023 and is anticipated to reach $XX Billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of XX% from 2024 to 2030.
Texas Instruments’ DRV89xx-Q1 line of integrated multi-channel half-bridge drivers has 4 to 12 half-bridges and is pin-to-pin compatible.
Low onstate resistance (RDS(ON)) is a property of the device family that enhances thermal performance when operating at high current levels.
These components may operate stepper motors or brushed-DC (BDC) motors in independent, sequential, or parallel mode. The half-bridges can be fully controlled to operate the motor in forward, reverse, coasting, and braking modes.
For thorough configuration and thorough diagnostics, these devices have a standard 16-bit, 5-MHz serial peripheral interface (SPI) with daisy chaining ability.
Four or eight programmable PWM generators are incorporated, depending on the device, to provide current limitation during motor operation or LED dimming control.
A number of protective and diagnostic features are built into the device, including a nFAULT pin that notifies the system when a defect arises.
The device has a passive OLD mode for offline OLD as well as a low-current open load detection (OLD) mode to detect open-load conditions when the normal load current is low.
Additionally, the gadget has complete protection against short circuit, undervoltage, and over-temperature situations.