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A CCD is a multi-channel array silicon-based detector for UV, visible, and near-infrared light. Since they are so sensitive to light, they are employed in spectroscopy.
Due to their intrinsic weakness, these detectors are appropriate for studying the Raman signal. The Glacier X is the most portable and compact TE cooled spectrometer available, making it the ideal choice for applications that need both great performance and portability.
It has a 2048-element linear CCD array, an internal 16-bit digitizer, and a fast USB 2.0 interface.
The Global Cooled CCD Spectrometer market accounted for $XX Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to reach $XX Billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of XX% from 2023 to 2030.
For accurate process analytical measurements, HORIBA Scientific has introduced an improved OEM RAMAN Spectral Engine with a new Deep-cooled VIS-NIR CCD.
The CiCi-Raman-785 is a high-performance spectrometer with an aberration-corrected concave holographic grating, a round-to-slit fibre converter, and a deep-cooled Syncerity CCD camera with a novel VIS-NIR detector from HORIBA Scientific.
The same deep-cooled camera and its new high Quantum Efficiency sensor are used in a 532nm spectrometer architecture that is designed for semiconductor process applications.
The CiCi-Raman is distinctive in a number of respects. Its new CCD sensor, which has 2048 pixels and a 1mm collection height, has QE 90% at 700 nm, 86% at 800 nm, 70% at 900 nm, and 36% at 1000 nm.
While the majority of current OEM Raman modules only have a small cooling range of 0o C to -15o C, HORIBA’s camera can be cooled to -50o C or lower when necessary while still being a low-cost and small system.
It provides an incredibly stable optomechanical platform; all that is required is a single, thorough, long-term factory wavelength calibration.
For OEM uses in Process Control, Biomedical and Life Sciences, Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics, Forensics and Security, Semiconductors, and Food and Beverage Safety, this new Raman system is suitable.
Raman spectroscopy has been incorporated more and more into process analysis technology as novel methods of producing pharmaceuticals, bioprocessing, and semiconductor Fabs are developed.
Because of HORIBA’s extensive Raman experience, they have been able to create and construct instruments that perfectly meet these needs while yet being reasonably priced.