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Instead than only designating the three major colours (red, green, and blue) to each pixel, the hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technology examines a broad spectrum of light. In order to provide additional details about what is depicted, the light striking each pixel is divided into a variety of spectral bands.
When it comes to identifying and differentiating target characteristics or objects, data from hyperspectral imaging sensors (HIS) are more advantageous than data from multispectral sensors.
Due to their ability to acquire narrowband information, they can provide comprehensive information about any object. Fine spectral resolution is a feature of hyperspectral sensors.
Imaging using cathodoluminescence (CL) gathers and quantifies the light produced when an electron beam strikes a substance. Intensity mapping is the quickest and easiest way to get CL imaging.
The Global Hyperspectral Cathodoluminescence Imaging market accounted for $XX Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to reach $XX Billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of XX% from 2024 to 2030.
Multifunctional Hyperspectral Cathodoluminescence The best performance for cathodoluminescence imaging and spectroscopy analysis is provided by the H-CLUE direct coupled solution.
H-CLUE outperforms its rivals in terms of sensitivity over a variety of spectral bands, from FUV to extended NIR, thanks to the integration of optical components that have been field-proven by HORIBA Scientific.
The revolutionary OptiLink module, which is sandwiched between the retractable mirror interface and the spectrometer and provides access to all other CL imaging options, including polarised CL, RGB CL, Angular Resolved CL (AR-CL), and Time Resolved CL, emphasises the modularity and versatility of the system (TR-CL).
H-CLUE is a fast imaging and spectroscopy tool that is controlled by the Labspec 6 Simply Powerful software suite.
It has advanced, one-of-a-kind functionalities (KIA spectral database, SWIFT, cosmic ray removal, peak fitting, particle finder, mosaic, multivariate analysis, advanced 3D display, etc.) for both fast imaging and spectroscopy analysis.
Highest performance free space optical coupling over the largest CL spectral range, complete automation of motorised RPM that can be fine-tuned, chromatic shift is absent.
Customised options include polarisation, filter wheels, angle- and time-resolved CL. Spectroscopy and imaging from DUV to NIR using up to 5 detectors, large-field spectrometers.