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High-speed camera interface standard CoaXPress enables high-speed data transmission over coaxial lines. It was created by a group of machine vision firms to meet the demand for fast, dependable, and long-distance transmission of digital image data.
A camera that communicates with a computer or other device using this interface is known as a CoaXPress camera. It often transmits image data at high speeds, frequently up to 12.5 Gbps per cable, using one or more coaxial lines.
Applications requiring high-speed, high-resolution picture capture, like industrial inspection, scientific imaging, and medical imaging, all use CoaXPress cameras. They are well-liked in applications requiring machine vision due to their fast data rates, low latency, and lengthy cable lengths.
There are many industries around the world that use CoaXPress cameras, including machine vision, medical imaging, life sciences, broadcast, and defense. They have a reputation for being of dependable quality, having many programmable functions, and being fast and high-resolution.
Global coaxpress camera market accounted for $XX Billion in 2022 and is anticipated to reach $XX Billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of XX% from 2024 to 2030.
The Tiger and Bobcat series of CoaXPress cameras from Imperx have been released; these cameras are well-known throughout the world for their robust quality, high-resolution, high-speed, and numerous customizable capabilities.
The EoSens21CXP2 and EoSens10CXP2 cameras from SVS-Vistek combine excellent sensitivity, exceptional image acquisition speed, and resolutions of 21 and 10 megapixels with 4.5 m pixels.
New allPIXA evo 8K, 10K, and 15K cameras from Chromasens have been released, and they feature CXP-12 to speed up machine vision inspection applications up to 100 kHz.
Basler has introduced the boost camera series, which combines the well-established CoaXPress interface standard with the cutting-edge CMOS sensor technology to improve application performance to new astronomical heights.
The Bonito PRO from Allied Vision is a tough industrial camera with four DIN 1.0/2.3 connectors that can send data at a rate of 25 Gbps through four CXP-6 high-speed connections.