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Insulated-gate bipolar transistors are referred to as IGBT. The IGBT is extensively utilised in a variety of industrial, consumer, and automotive applications, including inverter systems, uninterruptible power supply, and motor controllers for electric vehicle (EV) systems. Unlike bipolar junction transistors, which need that the Base current be continually provided in a sufficient enough quantity to sustain saturation, IGBTs are voltage-controlled devices and so only need a minimal voltage on the Gate to maintain conduction through the device.
The MOSFET and bipolar transistor’s high input impedance and fast switching rates and low saturation voltage are combined in the IGBT transistor to create a new type of transistor switching device that can handle enormous collector-emitter currents with almost no gate current driving.
The Global Medium Voltage IGBT Drive market accounted for $XX Billion in 2021 and is anticipated to reach $XX Billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of XX% from 2022 to 2030.
For high-power applications, a new adaptable IGBT module platform called XHPTM has been developed. With a voltage range of 1.7 kV to 6.5 kV, the XHPTM offers a great option for demanding applications like medium-voltage drives. Scalable designs with industry-leading reliability and power density are possible by the module.
A medium voltage VFD with multiple levels and a voltage range of 3.3 kV, 6.6 kV, and 11 kV is available from Hitachi Hi-Rel under the HIVECTOLHVI-E Series. Forced air cooling is used in MV VFD – Multi Level Drives. Medium Voltage Variable Frequency Drives come in a variety of voltage levels, including 3.3kV, 6.6kV, and 11kV.
It can be utilised in a variety of sectors, including rubber, plastic, water and wastewater, power, steel and metal, cement, oil and gas, mining, sugar, pulp, paper, etc.
The SCALETM EV line of gate-driver boards for Infineon EconoDUALTM modules has been introduced by Power Integrations, the industry pioneer in gate driver technology for medium- and high-voltage inverter applications.
The driver is intended for high-power automotive and traction inverters for EV, hybrid, and fuel-cell vehicles, including buses and trucks, as well as construction, mining, and agricultural equipment. It is suitable for original, clone, and new SiC variations. The EconoDUAL 900 A 1200-volt IGBT half-bridge module’s 2SP0215F2Q0C is the first SCALE EV family member to be made available.
The new Press Pack IGBT (PPI) with inbuilt freewheeling diodes (FWD) in Ceramic Disc Housings from Infineon Technologies Bipolar GmbH & Co. KG adds to the family of high-power Prime Switches. This PPI is suited for high current Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC), medium voltage drives, DC breakers, wind turbine converters, and traction systems. It is specifically developed for transmission and distribution applications.
The blocking voltage of the Prime Switch IGBT is 4.5 kV at 3000 A without FWD and 2000 A with FWD. Customers may get a great, high-performing solution for ultra-high power applications thanks to the combination of the best high-voltage IGBT chip trench technology and the most dependable press-pack technology.